Transmit and Visualize Signals Without Interference

Feb. 1, 2018
Signal conditioners, process indicators, and field devices

From highly compact 6 mm signal conditioners to SIL 2-, SIL 3-, and PLd-certified signal conditioners right through to signal isolators for intrinsically safe circuits in the Ex area: Our MCR technology products ensure interference-free signal transmission from the sensor level to the control level. Monitor and control your process values or record temperatures directly in the field with our process indicators and field devices.

Many device types can be configured for an optimum adaptation to your application: simply via DIP switch or via stand-alone and FDT/DTM software solutions for advanced device and monitoring functions.

Your advantages with our MCR products:

  • Space savings of up to 65% with the highly compact MINIAnalogPro signal conditioners
  • High operational safety with the consistently SIL-certified MACX range
  • Maximum explosion protection for all Ex zones and gas groups with MACX Ex i isolators
  • Integrate analog signals into the safety chain according to the Machinery Directive with the PLd-certified signal conditioners
  • Display, monitor, and control analog and temperature signals with the multifunctional process displays
  • Measure and convert temperatures on site using output loop-powered temperature transducers

For more information, click here.