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Industrial IoT

April 11, 2024

From need-to-know system integration requirements to technology applications including unified namespace, manufacturing execution systems and data ops, this Automation World eHandbook provides the insights you need to make informed decisions about industrial Internet of Things trends and technologies.

Automation World’s eHandbook on industrial IoT explains the role of MES as a data translator in IoT applications, how the burgeoning use of unified namespace can make your disparate equipment data can enable better operations insights and how system integration solves multiple IoT implementation issues and more.

Information in this eHandbook includes:

  • Digital Transformation: What Manufacturers Should Expect from Integrators
  • Why Unified Namespace is Key to Industry’s Digital Transformation
  • MES: The Plant Floor Data Translator
  • Industrial Data Ops: The Next Frontier in Manufacturing


Sponsored by: WAGO, PCB Piezotronics, Paessler, Critical Manufacturing, Tadiran Batteries