
Automation technologies related to discrete manufacturing industry verticals such as automotive, aerospace, industrial machinery, textiles, and electronics.
Source: ServiceNow

Go Ahead and Automate That Bad Process

In the past, doing this could have created bigger problems. But artificial intelligence can now help turn a bad process into a good one.

Resilient Operations: The Ability to Bounce Back

One lesson that recent disruptions to supply chains have taught manufacturers: They need to deploy strategies and technologies that strengthen the resilience of their manufacturing...
Source: Snowflake

How Snowflake Merges IT and OT Data

Snowflake’s Tim Long explains how Snowflake fits among the cloud computing providers and how its SaaS model enables manufacturers to access massive compute power on demand.
Source:Parsec/MESA International

Why ERP Needs MES for Manufacturing Success

Pairing ERP with an MES empowers manufacturing operations to achieve new capabilities and new benefits that are not otherwise possible.
Photo 306221674 © Gennady Kurinov | Dreamstime.com

How to Assess HMI Hardware Buying Decisions

From navigating different hardware options and worker training issues to integration and future trends, seven industry experts offer their advice on how to approach your HMI hardware...

Challenges and Ethical Considerations of Implementing Generative AI in Manufacturing

A system integrator’s recommendations on navigating the complex issues related to data privacy, ethical artificial intelligence use and workforce training when it comes to generative...
ID 27006787 © Petr Cihak | Dreamstime.com

Why Pneumatics Remain an Automation Mainstay

Greater intelligence, coupled with cost and sustainability advantages, keep pneumatic motion control a staple of modern automation.


0823 idec

Ergonomic HMI Tablet Device

IDEC has introduced the new HT4P Safety Commander— an ergonomic device allowing users to safely hold a HMI tablet while providing power, networking and hardwired emergency stop...
7 23 Teledyne Dalsa

4K 3D Profile Laser Line Profile Sensor

The Z-Trak LP2C 3D profile sensor family for in-line 3D measurement and inspection applications is the latest member of Teledyne Dalsa’s Z-Trak family. The sensors deliver 4,096...
7 23 Banner

3D Volume Sensor

The ZMX series 3D time of flight sensor provides a single sensor for volume monitoring. The ZMX sensor is installed over the bin to be filled and through the use of digital imaging...
Gefran Linear Potentiometers 5x7

AutomationDirect adds Linear Position Potentiometers

AutomationDirect has released the Gefran linear potentiometers and accessories, used to detect position and linear direction movement.


Source: Automation World

Robotic High-Force Torque Driving

A look at the Universal Robots-Estic high-torque screwdriving platform.

ABB AMR with Visual SLAM

The new T702 from ABB is a tug-style autonomous mobile robot (AMR) that uses Visual SLAM (simultaneous localization and mapping) navigation to create a 360-degree point cloud ...

Bosch Rexroth's Smart Function Kit

At Automate 2024, we caught up with Richard Vaughn, automation engineering manager at Bosch Rexroth to learn about Bosch Rexroth’s Smart Function Kit for Handling. These...


Awfaq4 Big Data Rotated Hero

Big Data: What is it and How is Industry Using it?

A down-to-earth look at the technologies behind Big Data and advice from industry on using it.
Aw Remote Access Flat

The Long Term Effects of Remote Access

As the virtual world creates new end user expectations, OEMs and technology suppliers are required to partner in new ways.
Aw Arvr Flat Hero

Augmented Reality Gets to Work

Augmented reality technologies are proving to be an operator’s best friend in discrete and process manufacturing.
Aw Arvr 2021 Base Hero

Robotics, VR and AR Set the Pace for Automation

Innovations in Robotics, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality lead to improvements in Automation.