ZPI Inc.



About ZPI Inc.


1425 Norjohn Court
L7L 0E6

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Products & Press Releases

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Evaluating Data Collection the Campbell Soup Way

June 28, 2013
Tom Braydich and Campbell Soup have spent about 13 years using and optimizing an automated data collection and review system. The software evaluation and testing process they ...

Videos & Resources

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Capturing Process Data to Improve Manufacturing Performance

June 6, 2013
At the Automation Conference 2013, attendees learned about the benefits Campbell’s has received from its implementation of a data acquisition system some 10 years ago. In addition...
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The Automation Conference 2013: ZPI

May 28, 2013
ZPI Displays New Data Collection System | At The Automation Conference 2013, ZPI showed Version 9 of its automated data collection system, which pulls information directly from...

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