In October, our focus is on networking and connectivity.But we also provide mountains of coverage in the form of White Papers, Webcasts and supplements on In 2009, produced an entire series of Webcasts on Industrial Ethernet and then continued it again for 2010. Visit to find these Webcasts.Another great resource is our vast library of White Papers; create your “own” PDF library of networking and connectivity by visiting And, of course, visit our past issues of the Industrial Ethernet Review and Wireless World Review supplement,
Grant GerkeDigital Managing Editorp.s. I had not mentioned security in this column yet…. but as of this writing comes along a story on Stuxnet found in Germany, FIVE News items in 2010 on 1. Invensys Reorganization Explained: Control Systems a New “Bull’s-eye” for Hackers Industrial Cyber-Security Incidents Revealed Managing Industrial Energy Costs in Real Time What’s Next for India’s Epic UID Project? Bytes: IMTS coverage – SERCOS III AdvancesBy providing SERCOS III interfaces across its product line, Bosch Rexroth is reducing infrastructure costs for users. Recorded on Sept. 14 at the IMTS show in Chicago,
Automation World Managing Editor Wes Iversen talks with Scott Hibbard, Bosch Rexroth vice president of technology, electric drives and controls, about the latest advances. Visit Bytes: IMTS coverage – MTConnect Links to OPCThe MTConnect Institute has signed a memorandum of understanding with the OPC Foundation to work together to link MTConnect, a new open communication standard for machine tools, with OPC. Recorded on Sept. 14, 2010, at the IMTS show in Chicago, Paul Warndorf, Vice President of Technology for The Association for Manufacturing Technology talks with
Automation World Managing Editor Wes Iversen about MTConnect and the agreement with OPC. Visit Minutes: MESA Metrics MakeoverAutomation World Editor in Chief Gary Mintchell discusses the MESA Metrics Makeover contest with Julie Fraser, principal analyst at Cambashi and leader of the MESA Metrics Working Group. Studies have shown that measuring performance against the correct metrics correlates to business performance improvement. Visit WEBCASTS Webcast: The Importance of Staying Connected in Machine Vision. A new Webcast on machine vision provides information on how networking and synchronization play an important role in machine-vision applications. Visit Webcast: Creating Security Systems that Allow Data Access and Protection. This on-demand Webcast includes an hour-long presentation on creating sound security systems. The presentation will help automation and networking/IT professionals understand the security strategies and tools that are necessary for the protection of their systems. Visit Video Report: Users Conferences and Automation Talent. Gary Mintchell, Editor in Chief, dives into this weekly video essay on process automation, upcoming user conferences and curious movement of talent in the automation industry. Visit