Just recently, a USB stick infected a major automation supplier’s HMI/SCADA systems and could move the needle even more for the topic of security in the industrial automation space.
In our August edition of
Automation World, the issue focus is security. This month’s issue has columns and feature stories devoted to secure data networks, cyber security and more. Besides our current issue, Wes Iversen, Managing Editor,
Automation World, has been covering cyber security very closely for years and has multiple podcasts on the topic. See the bit.ly address (shortened URLs) below:
Security Podcasts and more: http://bit.ly/security_podcasts
Plus, you can go always go to iTunes and type in
Automation World podcasts and find our entire library of industrial automation podcasts from Gary Mintchell, Editor in Chief and Wes Iversen.
Grant GerkeDigital Managing EditorTOP FIVE Technology Primers in 2010 on AutomationWorld.com:
1. Pneumatics Integrates With Electronics
2. Parallel Programming: Soon the Only Game in Town
3. Managing Large-scale Automation Projects
4. Network Security Demands Less Complexity
5. OEE: A Shop Floor Metric That Links Cost to Revenue
Follow us on Twitter!www.twitter.com/automationworldwww.twitter.com/garymintchell www.twitter.com/wesiversenwww.twitter.com/AutoGrantNEW Cyber Security Podcast! Podcast Bytes: Improving Control System Cyber Security
To improve industrial control system (ICS) cyber security, automation professionals must strive to work more closely with information technology (IT) departments, and they must recognize that cyber security is a safety and reliability issue. These are among key points made by ICS security expert Joe Weiss, managing partner at Applied Control Solutions, during this podcast interview with
Automation World Managing Editor Wes Iversen, recorded on July 7, 2010.
NEW Video: Siemens PLM and more
Gary Mintchell, Editor in Chief, discusses the recent Siemens PLM conference, digital manufacturing and cool design tools. Visit
NEW! White Papers on AutomationWorld.com.
• Applying Multicore and Virtualization to Industrial and Safety-Related Applications.
• Industrial Network Management: Finding the Perfect Solution
• The Advantages of Plant-wide Historians vs. Relational Databases
WEBCASTSwww.automationworld.com/webcastsFree On-Demand Webcast:Wired vs. Wireless Networking
Tune into this Webcast to learn about the differences and tradeoffs between wired Ethernet and wireless communication protocols such as IEEE 802.11 and IEEE 802.15.4. Originally ran on June 24, 2010. Visit
On-Demand Webcast: Industrial Protocols and Green Engineering
Learn as Irene Bearly and Brian MacCleery, both with National Instruments, explain the protocols used in Smart Grid technology, wireless environment monitoring, and power monitor applications. Originally ran on April 15, 2010.
Automation Gear Blog: Stay on top of product trends by visiting the Automation Gear Blog. Find informative blog posts, such as Video With Your SCADA, Fingerprint Recognition Switch for Factories and Plants, PLC Functionality in a PC, and more.