Using an iPhone, iPad or iPod, the new app allows operators to remotely monitor and modify flow measurements, valve controls, process data and status data, among others. The product works with the EtherNet/IP or Modbus TCP/IP networks and can display live process control values in stylized lists, including user-established variance allowances with real-time alarms and notifications. Controls and data displays are color-coded based on the value. Upon configuration, the app offers a feature that requires the user to assign a matching security code as a password for network access and a security tag for the controller's cpu. The security code must match the cpu to create an "outside" connection. The new app also supports the new Retina Display feature on the iPhone 4 and iPod touch, for a deeper and richer display. The product works in conjunction with the company's Industrial Hotspot series of radios or its industrial cellular series, featuring WPA2-PSK and 802.11i RADIUS security. ProSoft Download app here >>