As apps of all kinds multiply for the Apple iPhone, it’s not surprising that industrial automation is taking its place in the line-up. One of the latest comes from Baldor Electric Co. (, the Fort Smith, Ark.-based manufacturer of energy-saving industrial electric motors, mechanical power transmission products, drives and generators. In what the company bills as an industry first, Baldor has converted its BE$T desktop application for motor efficiency calculation for use on the iPhone.
The desktop version of BE$T can easily and accurately calculate an existing motor’s annual electricity usage based on its nominal efficiency and compare it to the annual electricity usage of Baldor’s Standard-E and Super-E premium efficiency motors, says the company. It then recommends by catalog number, the appropriate Baldor motor for the application, and notes the payback period, in months, for replacing the existing motor.
BE$T desktop can calculate the savings on a group of motors showing the amount of money that can be saved when all motors in the group are changed to Baldor Standard-E or Super-E designs. The software is also capable of calculating and comparing yearly electrical savings when a variable speed drive is used vs. a constant speed motor, as well as also show annual CO2 footprint reductions. BE$T is also available in CD-ROM format or downloadable from Baldor’s Web site.
It’s easy
Keeping abreast of advancing technology, Baldor announced on March 19 that it now offers the BE$T application for iPhones. The new BE$T application offers the functionality of the desktop program in a smaller easier-to-use package, the company says. Enter the electricity rate, and existing motor parameters, then tap the calculate button. BE$T shows the recommended Baldor Super-E motor, the selling price, annual kilowatt-hour (kWh) use, annual electricity cost and the estimated payback months. If multiple motor upgrades are available, the user can touch the match’s button and select the motor that best suits his or her needs.
The BE$T iPhone application is available from iTunes and can be located by searching on the keyword “Baldor.”
Baldor Electric Co. www.baldor.comSubscribe to Automation World's RSS Feeds for News