White Paper: Collaborative Manufacturing Explained from MESA

Aug. 14, 2006
In Collaborative Manufacturing, designated individuals and organizations – both internal to a manufacturing enterprise and extended to its suppliers, customers, and partners – work together for mutual gain.  
This paper explains a strategy that MESA refers to as “Collaborative Manufacturing.” In Collaborative Manufacturing, designated individuals and organizations – both internal to a manufacturing enterprise and extended to its suppliers, customers, and partners – work together for mutual gain. The objectives of Collaborative Manufacturing are to streamline end-to-end business and supply chain processes and provide a more comprehensive and accurate information base from which to make decisions. MESA’s Analyst Partners cover such concepts with specific models.Collaborative Manufacturing allows multiple groups to act together as they set plans and policy, agree to actions, and execute operations. Collaborative Manufacturing can boost responsiveness, agility, and customer-centricity. It also fosters the most cost-effective methods to design, source, make, deliver, and service standard, mass-customized or to-order products.Download whitepaper