The lack of bearings and components such as flexible couplers, glass discs, light sources and detectors, along with very low power consumption (180 mA at 5 VDC) makes the encoder virtually failure free. The internally-shielded unit includes an electric field generator, a field receiver, a sinusoidal shaped dielectric rotor, and processing electronics. Outputs are analog sine/cosine representing the rotation angle, incremental or absolute position., plus digital SSi or Digital AqB+I. Features include small size (7 mm profile) and light weight (total weight of 4 g); hollow, floating shaft; no bearings or other contacting elements; 17-bit resolution, with accuracy of less than 0.025º; operating temperature range of -40 to +85 ºC; and resistance to shock -100 g (11 ms), moisture and EMI/RFI. The units are insensitive to magnetic fields. Suggested applications include aerospace, medical, instrumentation, automation, etc.
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