Hilscher’s netTAP 100 universal gateway has been enhanced with more then 70 additional conversions between real-time Ethernet systems, traditional fieldbuses and serial protocols. Another addition is netSCRIPT, a scripting tool that can be used to create gateways for custom serial protocols to over 60 industry-standard protocols supported by netTAP.
netTAP is a universal gateway with Master or Slave support for AS-interface Master, CANopen, CC-Link, DeviceNet, EtherCat, EtherNet/IP, Modbus-TCP, Modbus RTU/ASCII, PowerLink, Profibus, Profinet and SERCOS III, along with custom serial protocols.
netSCRIPT, a scripting tool based on the programming language Lua that has been on the market since 1993, allows users to develop their own gateways.
For more information on Lua, visit www.lua.org