The stage's design is optimized for applications where straightness and flatness of motion are critical. High-precision roller bearings, precision-machined surfaces, and noncontact direct-drive linear motors driving through the axes' center-of-stiffness result in a positioning stage with straightness to ±0.5 µm and flatness to ±1.25 µm. Optimized for high-dynamic applications, the units feature speeds to 2 m/s and accelerations to 2 g. Direct-drive technology enables them to exceed the performance of screw-based and linear motor designs. Stages are available with one or two motors per axis, allowing optimization of each axis for the specific application and process. With two motors, the resulting drive force acts through the centers of friction and stiffness for superior geometric performance and accuracy, while one motor per axis is the economical choice if high-throughput and the strictest positioning performance are not required. The standard cable management system is integrated into the stage and optimized for long life and performance. Several standard options are available for additional servo axes, air/vacuum lines for vacuum chucks, or other process pneumatics.
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Aerotech Inc.
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