The drive is fully programmable and meets application requirements for precision winding/spooling, pick-and-place machines, X-Y coordinate tool movement, metrology equipment and other machinery providing fast, accurate positioning and reciprocating linear motion; depending on the size of the drive nut it provides from 7 to 800 pounds of axial thrust. Linear movement of the drive head is defined via software and monitored by sensors feeding back to the electronic control unit. Stop/start, travel direction, linear pitch, travel speed, repetitive processes, ramp up/down and essentially all other variables pertaining to drive nut movement may be programed. The drive stores up to 20 programs that are easily recalled at the touch of a button. The system is well suited for precision winding of a wide range of materials including wire/cable, PVC tubing, string, fiber, rope, rubber hose and vinyl strips. It also handles custom winding patterns and irregularly shaped spools. A single system may be set up to control multiple stations making it unnecessary to invest in multiple systems in order to help sustain high production rates. A stepper motor controlled by a Siemens S7 PLC is included in the package, and operation is enhanced with intuitive prompts displayed on a touch screen control panel.
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Amacoil, Inc.