In the wake of what is sure to become the most costly natural disaster ever to hit the United States, Hurricane Katrina has disrupted the lives of millions of U.S. citizens, causing incalculable heartache, suffering and despair. Our thoughts and prayers are with those citizens, and with all of our readers who work in the Gulf Coast manufacturing industries.
The needs of the area are great, and we urge you to support relief efforts in any way possible. Donations can be made to the Red Cross,, or through the Federal Emergence Management Agency, .
Asking vendors to step up
In addition to donating money, Automation World challenges the automation industry to support manufacturers who have been impacted by Katrina with programs for extended finance terms, equipment donations, free services and engineering support.
To the automation industry suppliers: Please send information on programs you are putting in place to aid your industrial customers to [email protected]. We will publish announcements of these programs to the automation industry end-users.
Let’s work together to support and rebuild this vital industrial area.