Phoenix Contact: Secure Firewall for OPC Classic

July 9, 2015
A new license for FL mGuard security devices can protect OPC Classic applications.

While traditional firewalls do not offer protection for this protocol, users of mGuard firmware version 8.1 and beyond can now upgrade to the OPC inspector license. The OPC inspector firmware looks into the transmitted data packets, analyzing and modifying them as necessary. The OPC inspector dynamically creates firewall rules matching the ports and directions used by OPC traffic, and identifies and blocks all non-OPC traffic. It also permits the use of network address translation (NAT) procedures, such as masquerading or 1:1 NAT routing. The OPC Classic communication protocol is widely used in the automation industry. Instead of using fixed TCP port numbers, OPC Classic negotiates new port numbers within the first open connection. This means that intermediary firewalls can only be used with wide-open rules, greatly reducing the security and protection they provide. The license counters this problem by using a deep-packet inspection for OPC Classic.

>>For more information on this product, click here
Phoenix Contact