The PACTware consortium announces the release of its latest version of software, PACTware 5.0, that is fully based on the FDT2 standard. This is the first FDT2 product from the organization consisting of 22 member companies in the device and automation solution industry. The consortia members commonly develop an FDT based Frame Application and have chosen to leverage the improved performance and security offered by the FDT2 technology. PACTware 5.0 is open source to the members of the PACTware Consortium.
“The addition of FDT2 is an essential step as we serve the best interest of the broad automation market and our diverse membership. As an FDT2 Frame Application, PACTware enables users to benefit from increased performance and security associated with the technology while maintaining compatibility with previous PACTware projects.”, states Holger Sack, leader of marketing for the PACTware consortium. “In addition, PACTware has been upgraded for the future by employing .Net as the underlying technology thereby ensuring the investment and maintainability of PACTware 5.0 for years to come. The .Net technology not only provides greater independence from the hardware platform, it also opens up new opportunities to design a more advanced graphical user interface. In the future this will, for example, enable intuitive finger operations similar to those used on mobile devices like smartphones and tablets.”
“The PACTware consortium has always been a leader for products based on the FDT standard. We are delighted to now have PACTware supplying product based on our latest standard, FDT2.” observes Glenn Schulz, Managing Director of the FDT Group. “As a result of this PACTware release, we have now reached the tipping point - the majority of FDT based applications in the marketplace are now at the FDT2 technology level.”
>>For more information on this product, click here.