Wireless Sensor Network Line Expands to IIoT Applications
March 13, 2017
Linear Technology’s SmartMesh IP wireless sensor now features the SmartMesh VManager networking software, which seamlessly increases the mesh network capacity to thousands of nodes.
SmartMesh IP, based on 6LoWPAN, delivers wire-like reliability and ultralow power to wireless mesh networks, allowing secure deployment of battery-operated IoT sensors in harsh environments with more than ten years of battery life. The new Blink mode, an ultralow power roaming node capability, reduces average current consumption of wireless sensor nodes to less than 3 µA. The network structure features Scalable Network and Security Management: networks self-form and self-heal and continuously self-optimize while providing NIST-certified security. Network Manager options include the cost-effective on-chip EManager for networks of less than 100 nodes, and the new VManager. VManager software reliably supports more than 1000 nodes in a single secure network and runs on an X86-based Virtual Machine (VM) that can be located anywhere with an IP connection, including the Cloud. Both wireless chips and pre-certified PCB modules are available, complete with ready-to-deploy wireless mesh networking software based on the 6LoWPAN and IEEE 802.15.4e standards.
>>For more information on this product, click here
Linear Technology