• Part 1 defines standard terminology and object models. This section helps you decide what information to pass back and forth among enterprise functions.
• Part 2 articulates the attributes of the models in Part 1. Together, Parts 1 and 2 allow you to pinpoint how to exchange information among disparate automation systems.
• Part 3 focuses on Level 3 activities, i.e., the production/MES layer, which is further sliced into production, maintenance, quality and inventory. This approach helps you apply a standard language to identify and compare production activities and control systems across different sites.
• Part 4 focuses on manufacturing operations management (MOM) by defining detailed models of the information flows among the activities called out in Part 3. This section helps you exploit the standard’s conceptual models in specific implementations and information flows.
• Part 5 defines and objectifies business-to-manufacturing transactions. Here the standard focuses on how to best align manufacturing with enterprise growth and profitability.
>> Click here to read Automation World's complete coverage on the ISA-95 standard, "Integrating Manufacturing's Future".