The new release includes Wurldtech Achilles Communications Certification Level 1 and Level 2, which protects the critical embedded infrastructure while reducing risks of cyber security threats and attacks. A new feature, simplified mandatory access control kernel (SMACK), is a Linux kernel security module that protects data and process interactions from malicious manipulation by using a set of custom mandatory access control rules. Designed for easy implementation, SMACK consists of three components: a Linux security module for file systems; a startup script to ensure correct SMACK attributes for configuration; and a set of patches to the GNU core utilities package for SMACK communications. Embedded developers using the MEL platform will realize improved security of embedded devices with rich feature sets. In addition to the new security features, additional industrial protocols are now available, including CANopen, IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol (PTP), BACnet, Industrial internet of things (IoT) support: 6LoWPAN, XMPP, CoAP and MQTT.
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Mentor Graphics Corp.