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DataOps: The Missing Link in Your Industrial Data Architecture

Feb. 5, 2024
Read this white paper to learn how DataOps (data operations) can help you achieve Industry 4.0 at scale. Understand key data architecture and contextualization problems solved by Industrial DataOps, and 5 required components of an effective solution.

DataOps is a category of software solutions that address the data architecture needs of industrial companies as they adopt Industry 4.0. DataOps solutions perform data contextualization and standardization and provide secure data flow to the various consuming applications running at the Edge, in on-premises data centers, or in the Cloud. 

Download this white paper to learn:

  • The role of DataOps in achieving Industry 4.0 at scale
  • Key problems solved by Industrial DataOps
  • The five required components of an effective Industrial DataOps solution​


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