HEIDENHAIN Introduces New AMO Multi-Section Linear Encoder For Use with ACU-RITE’S Digital Readouts

Feb. 16, 2018
HEIDENHAIN is pleased to announce the addition of an exciting new product – the AMO LMF 9310 multi-section linear encoder - to its line of robust linear encoders.

HEIDENHAIN is pleased to announce the addition of an exciting new product – the AMOLMF 9310multi-section linear encoder- to its line of robust linear encoders. This TTL encoder is specificallydesigned forlong lengthapplications (over 10’)on manually operated machines and is compatible with HEIDENHAIN’s ACU-RITE brand of digital readouts.

The AMO LMF 9310 is an excellent replacement for the retired ACU-RITE ENC 250 encoder. AMO is owned by HEIDENHAIN so the blend of the product lines exemplifies its commitment to its ongoing Customer First program to best meet customer needs.

The LMF 9310 is an inductive encoder available with measuring lengths from 3,150 mm (124”) up to 18,270 mm (719”), in 180 mm (7”) increments. It comes standard with a 20µm accuracy grade, 1000µm grating pitch, and a 5µm measuring step.

Encoder Features

• Contamination resistance - IP67

• Insensitive to interfering magnetic fields

• High precision

• High resolution

• Speed up to 3 m/s

• Operating temperature -10°C to 80°C

• Distance coded reference pulse

• Scanning Head includes a flexible mounting coupling to assist in mounting

For more information, click here >>

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