SoftPLC Corporation: Cloud-Based Remote Asset Management

April 12, 2013
TagWell is a configurable platform for comprehensive and scalable remote control system and asset management.

Combined with the company's industrial controller and communication gateway products, it provides a secure, simple and low-cost way to remotely monitor, control, acquire data, and troubleshoot remote systems, machines, and other devices via a combination of the Internet and a cellular network. The user interface is customer specific web pages that can be viewed on any browser - this includes a PC, a tablet, or even a smart phone. The components of a system can include TagWell, a secure Internet based ("cloud") platform that receives data from the company's RTUs and gateways ("remotes"), enables real-time browser-based remote monitoring and control of industrial systems, and supports customer designed add-ons for data acquisition, reporting and more. It can also work with the company's gateways, which enable remote communication to industrial controllers/equipment and SCADA systems. It also works with the company's RTUs - industrial controllers that provide I/O monitoring and extensive control.

>>For more information on this product, click here