IEC 61508 covers all safety-related systems that are electro-technical in nature (i.e., electromechanical systems, solid-state electronic systems, and computer-based systems) and is one of the most important standards for functional safety.
This one-and-a-half-day session presents basic functional safety concepts and introduces a safety lifecycle process to support the development of a standards-based functional safety framework for product design. The workshop takes a significant amount of content—the 61508 standard is more than 480 pages long—and breaks it into manageable parts that focus on relevant concepts for the manufacturer. Topics include an overview of functional safety, evolution of technology, functional safety standards, the safety lifecycle process, hazard analysis, and risk assessment and management.
The learning outcomes for those attending the workshop include:
• The ability to describe the concepts and tasks included in a safety lifecycle
• An appreciation of changes in technology and their effects on safety
• The ability to identify and understand pertinent functional safety standards
• The identification of measures to reduce or remove hazards
• The application of risk management techniques
• The ability to determine safety integrity levels (SILs) and/or performance levels (PLs)
• The development of a standards-based functional safety framework for your company’s designs
Workshops may be attended publicly at UL facilities; if your organization plans on sending five or more individuals, it may be more cost effective to have UL present the course as a private workshop at your facility.
For more information, please visit us on the web by clicking here.