TURCK has expanded its line of BL20 economy modules with the release of
a DeviceNet gateway. This addition augments TURCK’s current PROFIBUS-DP
and CANopen gateways for the BL20 economy system.The BL20 economy gateway provides a cost effective solution to expand
fi eldbus I/O. The gateway allows the connection of up to 32 I/O
modules, including digital and analog, resulting in a system that can
handle up to 512 digital I/O points or 128 analog I/O points on a
single gateway. A combination of digital and analog I/O on a single node is also an option. BL20 gateways utilize TURCK’s I/Oassistant software package for confi guration, parameter set-up, documentation, commissioning and diagnostic functions. The I/Oassistant package may be downloaded for free at www.turck.us. View Product Release.