SCADA Module Boosts Performance

March 23, 2008
A 32-bit CPU SCADA software module has been added to the vendor’s T-Box line of RTU SCADA system products.

The MS-CPU32 is compatible with the T-Box MS Modular System and offers up to 100 times the performance of current T-Box processors. Based on a 505 MIPS PowerPC processor, the software uses a Linux core, includes two Ethernet ports and supports up to 16 serial ports in a T-Box MS installation. The system additionally supports processor redundancy. Two modules can be installed in a T-Box MS rack and operate in a primary/backup configuration. T-Box MS also allows redundancy in power supplies and communications ports. The software also supports sequence-of-events (SOE) recording with a resolution of one millisecond. Information stored with millisecond resolution can be displayed in tabular and trend chart reports as well as in SCADA screens generated by the vendor’s WebForms software. Millisecond resolution is also supported in alarm reports, which a T-Box MS can send to multiple recipients via e-mail.


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