NUMERIK JENA’s LIA 2 series optical linear encoder series is designed to be more robust against certain contaminations like dust and fingerprints due to its dual scanning window sensor. This non-contact encoder system is compact in dimension, lightweight and capable of high speed motion feedback. Now available in North America through HEIDENHAIN CORPORATION, this NUMERIK JENA linear encoder serves applications in the semiconductor, medical, automation and metrology industries.
The LIA 2 series has a 20 micron grating period, and the graduation is applied to either a glass or steel scale substrate. The steel scale substrate comes in the industry- accepted Singleflex or Doubleflex options, where Doubleflex is considered the best way to mount a scale in an application with thermal growth concerns. The graduations can be ordered with several accuracy grades within a range of +/- 5 to +/- 1 micron per meter.
The scanning units come with options for optical switch sensors which can be used for end of travel limit switches. An automatic gain control or otherwise known as a signal compensation is inherent in the unit and helps to improve interpolation error and enhance accuracy over contaminations.
The electrical output is either a 1 Volt peak to peak or TTL output with resolutions down to 50 nanometers. The scanning units can be programmed after the best mechanical installation has taken place in order to boost signal quality to ensure longer lifetime on the machine.
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