Artila Electronics, which specializes in the development and manufacture of Linux-ready Arm embedded industrial computers, launches the brand new FreeRTOS programmable device server, Aport-214PG. Merging the legacy RS-485 based devices into an industrial Ethernet network is a challenge task to all of the system integrators today due to the characteristic of slow response and various data format. To cope with the challenge of speed inconsistency, by skillful programming and design, the programmable device server plays an important role in the field data acquisition.
Artila’s Aport-214PG is powered by a 32-bit Atmel SAM4E16E 120MHz Arm Cortex-M4 processor which is equipped with 256KB SRAM, 3MB Flash and FreeRTOS real time operating system. This module features one 10/100 MHz Ethernet port, two RS-485, four isolated digital input channels, two relay output channels and micro SD socket.
This C programmable device is shipped with a FreeRTOS+lwIP board support package (BSP), device manager utility and example programs. Users can download the Toolchain, Atmel Studio from Atmel web site. Web configuration and I/O controls are available in the Aport-214PG application development kit. The device manager utility featuring device discovery, network configuration, user’s web page and firmware upload is also included, which makes programming easier
The role of programmable device server is to proactively polling the serial devices and then buffer the data for Ethernet based master’s inquiry or push the data to the server via MQTT. Doing this will tune up the overall system performance and ensure data reliability in the device networking applications.
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