US Digital


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With more than 1,000 disks on each sheet, disk picking by hand was extremely time-consuming.

Delta Robot Eases Encoder Disk Production

July 10, 2020
US Digital operators can focus on more important tasks while a new robotic workstation handles disk-picking duty for the company’s new optical kit encoder.
The A2K Absolute Optical Encoder from US Digital can be assembled onto existing shaft and bearing assemblies. The encoder reports the shaft angle within a single 360° rotation of a shaft.

Encoder Selection Tips

To control motion on a machine or electromechanical system you need continuous positional feedback from the moving parts. That’s where encoders enter the picture. But how do you...
Resolution, Accuracy, Precision: What’s the Difference?

Resolution, Accuracy, Precision: What’s the Difference?

When it comes to selecting encoders for motion control applications, the terms resolution, accuracy, and precision are often used interchangeably. However, they mean very different...

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