The Hart Communication Foundation (HCF, on Sept. 16 announced new improvements to the WirelessHart Test System—Wireless Test System v1.4 and Wi-Analys Software v1.3. Key enhancements in these new versions provide significant improvements in test performance, tool usability and technician productivity while compliance testing WirelessHart devices to Hart Protocol requirements, the HCF said.
Wireless Test System v1.4 provides improvements to automated test scripts, enhanced message logging, improved Response Code, Burst Mode, Routing and Timer testing, and testing of DUT buffers, Packet Precedence and Priority. Wi-Analys Software v1.3 provides test analysis productivity enhancements for “go to” button, packet type display, automatic Network ID translation, large file capture and playback.
“The WirelessHart Test System plays a key role in ensuring the compliance and interoperability of WirelessHart devices,” says Ed Ladd, Hart Communication Foundation director of technology programs. “The WirelessHart test system is critical to the development of WirelessHart devices. Product developers and manufacturers use it to test their WirelessHart device implementations prior to submitting the product to the Foundation for Validation and Registration.”
The WirelessHart Test System is a key component of the Hart Device Registration Program in which the Foundation independently tests and validates products to Hart Protocol requirements.
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