Call for Papers

Oct. 2, 2008
Join the 2009 Emerson Exchange as a Presenter.
If you have a great end-user experience or a good story about how to plan, implement and roll out an effective automation project, join us as a presenter in next year’s Conference in Orlando, Fla.Submit an abstract beginning January 17, 2009, up until the deadline of March 19—but, be aware that the deadline is truly a cut-off point.With many submissions, the selection process is necessarily rigorous. Your chances improve when you are an end-user, describing real-world happenings. Quantifiable business results are a plus, as are how-tos and demonstrations of effective problem-solving.Details will be available soon

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CLICK Ethernet Analog PLC, 24 VDC required, Ethernet and serial ports, Discrete Input: 4-point, DC, Analog Input: 2-channel, current/voltage, Discrete Output: 4-point, relay, ...


CLICK PLUS PLC, 24 VDC required, (2) option slots, WiFi LAN/Bluetooth and microB-USB ports, no on-board I/O.


CLICK PLUS PLC, 24 VDC required, (2) option slots, WiFi LAN/Bluetooth, Ethernet, serial and microB-USB ports, microSD card slot, no on-board I/O.