“With annual U.S. industrial sales exceeding $1.5 trillion, the stakes are high,” says Craig Landy, eMvoy chief executive officer, in Chicago. “The eMvoy Score is the essential missing piece for the vendor selection process. We condense relevant information about each company into a single icon to give our users an instant means of evaluating U.S. manufacturers.”According to a spokesperson at eMvoy, the score is arrived at by the company’s researchers, who consider such things as quality, Web presence, recognition by third parties such as government databases and the like. Companies under evaluation are asked to fill out a questionnaire for comparison, to see if there are discrepancies. While there are no “5 Cog”-rated companies yet, the researchers are compiling scores and intend to announce the leading “world-class” companies list in the near future.Users can search for industrial products and services, and receive relevant lists of ranked manufacturers at www.eMvoy.com. The company generates revenue by selling advertising on its site.Landy leads the Chicago-based team that developed the eMvoy Score, and also founded SearchEngines.com, a popular online search engine resource.