In some cases, the first step in ending that frustration may now be taken on the Internet.
The Instrumentation, Systems and Automation Society (ISA, says it has launched a new, convenient way for professionals to suggest standards projects. Through a Web interface, users can provide suggestions for new consensus industry standards to be promulgated through the ISA development processes.
The Web page, located at, asks users to provide details on the scope of work they are suggesting, the need and justification for the project, and background information. The proposals are then reviewed by ISA volunteer leaders to determine the fit within the scope of ISA activities and the correct committee within which the work can proceed.
“The Web page is another important step in our efforts to engage professionals in the development of vital industry standards,” says Ian Verhappen, vice president for the ISA Standards and Practices Department. The ISA standards development process—accredited by the American National Institute of Standards (ANSI)—is designed to assure balanced input from end-users, suppliers and generalists.