Wago Launches YouTube Channel

April 4, 2012
Wago Corporation’s new YouTube channel features 30+ videos, providing customers with additional training and product support. Produced by WAGO application engineers and product and training managers, the step-by-step videos deliver a wide range of content for both new and experienced viewers.

Topics range from basic terminal block marking via WAGO ProServe Software to advanced CoDeSys programming for WAGO’s 750-670 Stepper Controller RS-422 module (pulse/direction).

The videos feature instructional text, enabling users to follow along with their own node/computer. Videos vary in length from 1:24 (utilizing WAGO ProServe’s Smart Designer) to 10:55 (commissioning a WAGO Bluetooth® RF Transceiver). WAGO will periodically upload new videos to the channel as part of its commitment to free customer training/support.

Access WAGO's YouTube channel

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