The GE Inspection Academy provides access to the latest non-destructive technologies as well as high-quality training in the application of a wide range of NDT modalities to help customers improve their probability of detection, boost productivity, establish lifelong career skills and build confidence for better decision making.
Classroom training is available in the newly created Inspection Academy headquarters in Lewistown, Pa. Additional classroom and workshop facilities are being established around the globe in existing GE application centers and in select partner and academic institutions. Additionally, online training resources are available immediately, with optional hands-on training provided at designated locations.
“As the world’s leading provider of NDT products and solutions, GE recognizes the challenges associated with the industry’s ever-evolving technologies and associated requirements,” said Jeff Anderson, technology leader, GE’s Inspection Technologies product line. “The GE Inspection Academy was established to help our customers and employees gain a deeper understanding of these new technologies while providing comprehensive training in their many applications."
The GE Inspection Academy will offer courses in all the major NDT modalities, including ultrasonics, radiography, eddy current and remote visual inspection. The GE Inspection Academy’s initial focus will be on Level I and Level II certification to accepted accreditations. GE engineering teams and application experts, who have been largely responsible for the development of relevant products and equipment, will lead many of these training sessions. Enhanced curriculum introducing additional advanced technologies will be introduced in the near future.
“The GE Inspection Academy represents a logical step in extending the GE expertise, embodied in the leading-edge products we offer to the market, into structured and relevant training for those products and technologies,” said Kevin McClain, global NDT manager, GE.