As of January 1, 2014, Omega Engineering Inc., global seller of automation, data acquisition, electrical and related products has absorbed Newport Electronics, Inc.
Newport, based in Santa Ana, Calif., has been making high-precision test, measurement, process control and automation instrumentation for more than four decades. It began manufacturing electronic instrumentation in 1965.
Newport is now a part of Omega and going forward will do business under the Omega name. According to a company spokesprson, Newport will "still serve its customers with excellent customer service and technical support, and will continue to produce innovative products such as signal conditioners, transmitters and controllers. Newport will continue to produce state-of-the-art technology, uncompromising accuracy, and quality backed by the best warranties in the business."
The website remains open as a resource for manuals, specifications, mechanical information and more. The "shop on-line" feature of has been closed. Online users can now go directly to to place online orders.
In 2011, Omega Engineering itself was acquired by Spectris plc. Founded in 1962, Omega has grown steadily. The company offers over 100,000 products measurement of temperature, pressure, flow, level, strain, humidity, pH and conductivity, as well as a comprehensive line of data acquisition, electric heating and custom engineered products. Spectris plc is a global supplier of instrumentation and controls that also owns Red Lion Controls.