With the first electricity link between the island of Newfoundland and the North American power grid, renewable electricity generated in Newfoundland and Labrador will be able to be transmitted to the grid in Nova Scotia as part of Canada’s emission-reduction efforts. NSP Maritime Link has awarded ABB an order worth about $400 million to supply the high-voltage direct current (HVDC) power transmission system.
The Maritime Link Project, a 500 MW HVDC connection, will deploy ABB’s HVDC Light Voltage Source Conversion (VSC) technology incorporating a full VSC bipolar configuration to further enhance system availability.
“Our innovative solution for this project will help integrate clean renewable energy, facilitate the efficient transmission of electricity, improve grid stability and enable power sharing,” said Ulrich Spiesshofer, ABB’s CEO.
In addition to the two converter stations for the ±200 kV HVDC link, the project scope also includes two 230 kV AC substations in Newfoundland, one 345 kV AC substation in Nova Scotia, and two cable transition stations. The project is scheduled for commissioning in 2017.
HVDC Light is a common solution for long-distance underground and underwater power links and interconnections like the Maritime Link Project. ABB has delivered 13 of the 14 commissioned VSC links in the world.
This technology is increasingly being deployed across a range of applications, including integration of renewable energies from land-based and offshore wind farms, mainland power supply to islands and offshore oil and gas platforms, city center in-feeds where space is a major constraint, and cross-border interconnections that often connect across the seas. Its ability to meet grid code compliance ensures robust network connections regardless of application.
ABB pioneered HVDC technology 60 years ago and has been awarded about 90 HVDC projects representing a total installed capacity of more than 95 GW, accounting for about half of the global installed base.