OleumTech is pleased to announce an install success story in the South Central Oklahoma Oil Province (SCOOP) with reseller partner, PetroPower.
Early 2015, OleumTech and PetroPower were asked by a major producer to conduct a site survey and pilot a hardwired and wireless OleumTech level sensor solution for measuring oil, water, and flowback from fracking operations. The producer immediately noted how the OleumTech wireless solution eliminated delays commonly occurring in their automation deployments and how quickly PetroPower implemented fully operational systems.
“The producer had very stringent requirements around the resolution of the level and temperature data. However, after our certified technicians installed the OleumTech level sensors it was quickly apparent that the system greatly outperformed that of the competition,” said Spencer Alefs, Chief Executive, PetroPower.
As a result of the product performance coupled with the level of preparation, this pilot location has converted to a full rollout schedule. There will be hundreds of tanks equipped with OleumTech gear.
“We all look to put our best foot forward.In this case, OleumTech provided an on-site Application Engineer as one of our best practices with first time installations. That is just another thing that went right so that the customer could get what was most wanted – production location data right away,” said Colin Lippincott, Vice President of Sales, OleumTech.
>>For more information, click here.