Utilizing slots for PCI and PCl Express (PCIe) open up a lot of possibilities. noax IPCs can meet the requirements of peripheral devices with old or new interfaces.
A key criterion when searching for computer hardware is the ability for interfaces to connect to a variety of peripheral devices. noax industrial PCs (IPCs) have that ability. noax IPCs offer customers the means to connect to many devices along with upgrading to new peripheral technology. As a result, noax has equipped their IPCs with expandable slots for either PCI or PCIe cards. noax IPCs provide flexibility in the hardware they manufacture.
IT staff can perform upgrades afterwards without any loss of warranty. For example, digital I/O interfaces, more Ethernet interfaces, or cards for WLAN, and GPS can be installed as well as special interfaces such as Fieldbus, frame grabbers, and data acquisition cards. Thanks to the versatile hardware, noax offers long-term investment protection for their customers. They have the option of adapting their noax hardware to changing industry requirements. The versatility of noax IPCs allow customers to use current peripherals or upgrade to the latest technology.
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