High-tech sunglasses are making the selfie so last year.
Those of us with teenagers are quite familiar with Snapchat. At my house, it explains why my daughter is always pouting or sticking out her tongue as she shoots off a barrage of selfies to friends to keep up her Snapchat streaks.
As if that wasn’t weird enough behavior (I know I’m dating myself), Snapchat, now rebranded as Snap, has launched a line of shades that are eerily reminiscent of Google Glass. The $129 sunglasses are outfitted with a pair of video cameras that people can use to take 10-second videos, which can then be directly uploaded to Snapchat. Snapchat says the Spectacles camera, which has a 115-degree field of view that is wider than a regular smartphone camera, is different because it will record videos from the “human perspective.” I’m thinking like a GoPro for your eyes.
Footage can be uploaded directly to a user's Snapchat account in the Memories folder using Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, but the videos are also stored on the sunglasses for safe keeping. Spectacles will be available in shades of black, blue, and coral later this fall.
Guess what’s likely to make my kid’s holiday gift list.