AutomationDirect has added 189 new fiberglass enclosures, subpanels and accessories to its Hubbell-Wiegmann line of non-metallic enclosures.
Starting at $143.00, the new Classic Series of enclosures is designed for general electrical and electronic applications as well as applications requiring broader environmental concerns. The enclosures enhance the appearance of any instrument installation. They are especially suited for high visibility locations found in both industrial and commercial applications, but the chemical resistance and watertight capabilities make them ideal across a broad spectrum of environmental installations as well.
New enclosure models have also been added to the existing Premier, Slim Line, JIC and Control Series lines of Hubbell-Wiegmann fiberglass enclosures.
The Premier Series was developed for design flexibility and pleasing aesthetics.
The Slim Line Series is built around two enclosure designs. Both feature a slim style with flush side walls.
The JIC Series enclosures follow the original design of fiberglass enclosure products featuring a modest overhang cover on a flange mounted base.
The Control Series enclosures are designed to accommodate electrical, electronic, instrumentation and mechanical controls indoors and outdoors where corrosion resistant watertight enclosures are needed to provide protection against windblown dust and rain, splashing and hose directed water.
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