Stäubli, the innovative mechatronics solutions provider, joined with DigiMetrix (booth # 911) and the NI LabVIEW community to illustrate easy integration of modern robotics into a graphical system design environment. The newest DigiMetrix Robotics Library allows LabVIEW developers to use Staubli’s new TX2 – 60L and corresponding CS9 safety control to achieve maximum performance and safety in their next robotics based test and inspection applications.
The features of the new TX2 models comply with the stringent requirements of the highest safety category and excel in every facet of automation, including high-volume manufacturing as well as collaborative scenarios. To ensure maximum safety, sensors monitor every movement of the robot while it coordinates; speed and acceleration are recorded in real time.
By means of DigiMetrix Robotics Library for LabVIEW all functionality of robotics cell could be directly programmed in a graphical system design environment including robot motion, vision, various sensors and industrial communication as well as HMI and IoT integration. LabVIEW for Windows and the LabVIEW Real-Time Module are supported.
“Because of their incredible versatility, the new TX2 line is redefining performance by allowing manufacturers to adjust to changing production needs,” said Sebastien Schmitt, Robotics Division Manager, Stäubli North America. “The TX2’s pioneering safety features and clean, consistent performances improve productivity in every facet of manufacturing.”
LabVIEW is an integrated development environment designed specifically for engineers and scientists. Native to LabVIEW is a graphical programming language (G) that uses a dataflow model instead of sequential lines of text code, empowering you to write functional code using a visual layout that resembles your thought process. This means you spend less time worrying about semicolons and syntax and more time solving the problems that matter. Extensive sets of LabVIEW compatible libraries and tools help engineers manage complexities in today’s application software with minimal time and efforts.
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