Beamex announces the opening of attendee registration for Annual Calibration Exchange (ACE 2018), which will be held Wednesday and Thursday, September 19 & 20th at California Polytechnic University in Pomona, CA, USA.
The event will explore the latest insights, trends and best practices for process plant managers, engineers and technicians seeking to improve calibration quality, safety, accuracy and efficiency. Instructors will discuss day-to-day challenges and how best to solve them through new and innovative strategies and advances in calibration technology—all designed to save time while achieving quality metrics and improving safety.
Participants will benefit from a highly interactive learning approach, providing the practical skills and know-how needed to improve daily maintenance processes and tasks. The two days of personalized instruction includes:
• Open discussions of the best calibration strategies and how to perform complex calibrations
• Strategies for eliminating calibration paperwork and ensuring data integrity
• Hands-on pressure calibration workshop
• Calibration competitions with prizes
Access to this event is limited, so interested persons are encouraged to register soon. The registration includes access to all presentations, breakfast and lunch.
Each attendee is responsible for his or her travel arrangements and expenses. To reserve your spot, view details on the program, review a list of recommended hotels and more, visit the ACE website.
For more information, click here