Red Lion Controls, the global experts in communication, monitoring and control for industrial automation and networking, today announced embedded Crimson® 3.1 support for Sparkplug, Amazon® Web Services (AWS™) and Microsoft® Azure® MQTT connectors. The added functionality -- for use with CR3000 HMIs and rugged Graphite® HMIs and Edge controller -- allows customers who have chosen AWS, Inductive Automation’s Ignition! SCADA, or Azure as their Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) platform to connect, monitor and manage critical operational data and make it available to enterprise-level systems with ease.
Machine OEMs considering Product as a Service (PaaS) business models or simply looking to add value to their products by gathering data to better maintain and service their equipment, will benefit from this enhancement as well. With point-and-click simplicity, Crimson 3.1 allows them to leverage the IIoT to analyze historic maintenance data across multiple locations. This in turn enables them to formulate preventive strategies, reduce costs of both warranty and routine service calls, increase uptime of assets and reduce maintenance costs by detecting symptoms of potential failures ahead of a downtime event.
For customers who need to gather and act on critical data from disparate deployed systems, Red Lion’s Graphite HMIs and Edge controller and CR3000 HMIs are the right choice of products. Unlike other automation gateways or HMIs, Red Lion products offer one of the largest selections of embedded industrial drivers on the market today, and now combine new functionality to connect to the Ignition, AWS and Azure platforms with an ease-of-use that simplifies implementation and contributes to a lower total cost of deployment.
To download Crimson 3.1 today, visit .
See how simple it is to enable an MQTT connection in Crimson 3.1 by visiting our YouTube channel, at