Address the Growing Skills Gap With PMMI

March 5, 2019
A new fund from PMMI provides matching funds to support industrial education programs.

One of the biggest issues facing the packaging and processing industry (and manufacturing as a whole) is the growing skills gap. Based on a recent study by Deloitte and the Manufacturing Institute, the skills gap could leave an estimated 4.6 million positions unfilled in the next 10 years. Currently, 2.4 million quality jobs remain vacant.

Let the brand-new PMMI U Skills Fund help you build your future workforce and enhance the skills of your current employees.

The PMMI U Skills Fund will match your company’s contributions up to $50,000 per year to support regional education programs of your choice and up to $10,000 per year for work-related, multi-employee corporate training initiatives like PMMI’s industry training offerings (Certified Trainer, Risk Assessment and Fundamentals of Field Service Workshops) or external offerings such as lean training.

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