A Unique Component for Machine Speed & Safety Applications

March 19, 2015
Leine & Linde now has available a Compact Robust Gateway (CRG) Overspeed, a unique combined overspeed and signal monitoring component intended for use in motion control applications where safe speed feedback is required.

Leine & Linde now has available a Compact Robust Gateway (CRG) Overspeed, a unique combined overspeed and signal monitoring component intended for use in motion control applications where safe speed feedback is required.

Coupled with an encoder, the CRG Overspeed component can be used to independently monitor whether machine’s speed is within allowable limits. For example, when a crane lifts or lowers a load, the motion will be driven by a motor and an incremental encoder is used to monitor the speed to ensure that it stays within safe levels. Leine & Linde’s CRG Overspeed is pre-programmed to independently compare encoder output signals to a specified speed which is specific to the application. If the encoder outputs reach the speed limit, the gateway will output an alarm on a set of redundant relays to alert the control system.

In safety critical applications, it is also important to know that the encoder outputs are valid. The CRG Overspeed also features advanced logic to verify proper operation by continuously monitoring the encoder output signal transitions and voltage levels. A separate output relay is provided for assertion of this alarm condition.

The CRG Gateway will also integrate diagnostic outputs from Leine & Linde encoders with the Advanced Diagnostic System (ADS). This feature allows combination of overspeed conditions, output signal errors, and internal encoder diagnostics into one alarm signal to the control system.

>> For more information on this product, click  here