Automate data communication between ERP and production systems

June 26, 2009
This Hyla Soft white paper discusses the role of middleware as a key solution for automating data flow.

Middleware solutions allow ERP systems to retrieve data faster and more efficiently while also cutting costs.  No longer will companies have to wait for reports at the end of the day to be printed or hand-written then re-entered into ERP systems.

Over the past decade companies along all industries have been streamlining their corporate level operations with advanced software application such as SAP or Oracles Enterprise Resource Planning systems. Once systems like those have been implemented a company can expect to see vast improvements in areas such as financial forecasting, order management, operation analysis, ect.. The reason why ERP systems are so successful is because they make a company’s data more readily available. Having quick and direct access to data is even more beneficial when faced with the tough economic times of today; it allows for management to efficiently adapt their company to changes in the market.

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