Process Data Historian

Aug. 8, 2016
GE’s Historian 7.0 provides industrial internet connectivity from process control to the cloud.

Designed to connect industrial equipment from the control (asset) layer to cloud environments, and natively integrated with the company’s Predix platform, the historian collects, stores and normalizes time series sensor data from industrial equipment and processes. This information makes possible real-time analysis and troubleshooting needed to analyze asset performance. The software features a proprietary archiving and compression technique, native collectors and APIs to easily get data in and out. It installs in minutes with a small footprint, yet scales to support hundreds of users and millions of individual machine data points. Administration and trending is delivered through a secure thin client web application, providing immediate value, and out-of-the-box data mirroring for high availability and data redundancy. Validated on Pivotal and Hortonworks, the software is now Cloudera certified, specifically to move Historian data from the company’s high performance proprietary format to the widely adopted open-source Parquet schema. This supports the ability to combine time series data with other data types for complete data variety on the HDFS platform, potentially saving months of time in creating the data sets companies need to run big data analytics using open source tools.

>>For more information on this product, click here
GE Digital