Electric Actuators

June 9, 2023

These electric actuators, designed specifically for mobile applications, were developed to assist the transition from hydraulic power to electrically controlled motion systems, and can be equipped with safety features such as a descent speed limiter, back up nut, and electromechanical motor braking. Based on Ewellix’s CASM actuators, these have the same modular construction with a more compact design, wider range of end attachments, higher efficiency motor package, and IP ratings for offroad environments. The new 3T actuator presents 3.6 kW peak power output at the cross section of corresponding 80x80 mm while the 15T actuator presents a17kW peak power output at 130x130mm. Options include ballscrew or roller-screw drive mechanisms, different high-performance motors, parallel or in-line gearbox options and user configuration of base actuator components.