Updated Version of MES Software

Sept. 28, 2017
The latest version of Production Manager MES software from GE Digital addresses important manufacturing execution technology issues where existing plant floor IT systems are inconsistent across plants.

The software completely digitizes paper-based processes so companies can increase production output per person, reduce reporting and administration, decrease defects and material required, and ensure up-to-date routes and work instructions. It manages all aspects of production and is adaptable to multiple manufacturing environments ranging from the production of long-cycle, complex products engineered to order, to discrete products being configured to order. By digitizing work processes, it enables the entire manufacturing workforce — operators, production supervisors, manufacturing engineers and quality engineers — to produce products faster, more efficiently, and consistently. And it has been designed to handle environments where more than 100,000 routes, hundreds of thousands of documents, and tens of thousands of quality specs are required to support products being produced. Key features include route management, order dispatch, personnel and machine qualification management, labor tracking (clock on/off), work instructions, document management, CNC integration (Predator) and a flexible and extendable Web based UI.

>>For more information on this product, click here
GE Digital