This simplifies physical design and allows cost and size reductions along with improved reliability. The chip can be used in a wide variety of Big-Data transfer applications such as laptop computers, surveillance cameras, robotics, printing machines, medical equipment, gaming, XR devices, etc. Many electrical devices, such as laptops, use hinges between their display and keyboard. Other devices, such as surveillance cameras, use slip rings to enable 360-degree rotation. These hinges and slip rings limit the number of wires that carry signals through them due to their physical space and/or cost, presenting a challenge as I/O counts increase. This IC uses aggregation in addition to conventional SerDes (Serializing and Deserializing) technology to reduce the cable number of multiple different signal paths, thereby allowing more flexible implementations that can reduce product size and cost. The device serializes and aggregates up to 37 lines into a pair of four Gbps high speed differential signals, and deserializes and deaggregates the differential signals back to the original 37 lines allowing implementations of both the receiver and transmit directions with only four lines. Thus, using one chip on each side of the hinge or slip ring connector can make possible new applications that require higher I/O counts. The unit’s high-speed differential signal path is supported by 8B10B encoding and built-in adaptive equalization, allowing a distance of greater than 15 meters with standard cables.
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THine Electronics, Inc.